School Uniform
The following uniform is worn by the children:
- White polo shirts
- Red round neck sweatshirt or cardigan, this can be plain red or with the school logo on.
- Mid grey trousers, skirt, pinafore, shorts
- Grey, black or white socks
- Red, grey, black or white tights.
- Sensible, low heeled shoes or black trainers
Fleeces, Sweatshirts and cardigans with school logo's on must be ordered through school supplier, Bamber Bridge Sports.
Non-badged clothing is readily available in local supermarkets and clothing shops.
In Summer
- Red gingham or striped summer dress (optional)
- Optional grey shorts.
Infants also require a St Aidan's book bag - these are given free of charge to new starters in Reception.
Juniors are requested to use a small sized backpack. St Aidan's logo back packs are in stock in school.
Both of theses items are available at the school office.
Hair should be neat and tidy. Long hair should be tied up. 'Tram-line' or 'Trendy' fashion haircuts are NOT part of the school uniform and should be kept for school holidays.
Ear-piercing should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays and then it will not affect them doing P.E. Jewellery, including studded ear-rings, is not recommended to be worn during PE . If the earings cannot be removed, then children may cover with micropore tape. (Parents must sign a disclaimer form in this instance - available from school office).Staff cannot remove ear-rings, these must be removed at home, or by the child themself, on PE days.
False or Acrylic nails are NOT allowed by children in school.
P.E In the interest of health and safety, children must change for P.E and wear suitable footwear.
- Black pumps
- Trainers for outdoor games
- Black shorts
- Plain coloured t-shirt (colour dependent on house team)
- Black joggers for outdoor P.E or track suits (optional)
- A drawstring bag for the kit (can be bought in school)
- One piece swim suit or swimming trunks (NOT shorts)
- Swim cap-(available from the school office)
- Towel
- Hairbrush
- (No sprays or gels)
- Strong waterproof bag