Ladybirds 2024 - 2025

Mrs Bull

Mrs H Bull

Welcome to Year 4

Our Class Value is HOPE

In Ladybirds we strive to acheive the best of our potential through experiencing a rich and balanced curriculum that will excite, engage and create lots of fun whilst learning. 

Please take a look at our page and try out some of the homework links we have put on for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to call and speak to myself or Teaching Assistant Miss Barrie.

Important information


Spellings: half-termly overview stuck into home reader. - ten words to practise, at least 3 times a week  Please write the 10 words each week into full sentences on the sheet in your home reading diary. (to show you understand the meaning of the words) Spelling test every Friday morning.  

Reading Books - Reading is amazing and can open up whole new worlds. We continue to promote reading for pleasure! It's so important that your child reads every single day. In Year 4 it is expected that children read between 15-20 minutes a day, and at least 3 times per week. Reading will be monitored on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.. Children will have a home reader book and reading record which must be signed by an adult when they have read 3 times. 

Times Tables Rock Stars - Please click the link The children have their own username and password for this site. It is important that they are regulalry learning their tables. Children should access three times a week for at least 15 minutes. All primary school-aged children are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by heart. In fact, they are expected to have mastered their times tables by the end of Year 4. when children have a Multiplication Tables check which is set out by the government. 

For SEN pupils, homework is set as appropriate to their individual profiles and targeted learning plans. Parents will be informed accordingly.


Ladybirds have PE in school on a Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon. This will change when the children have Coach Adam from Little Lions.  I will inform you of any cahnges in advance by the half termly newsletter. Coloured, house team t-shirt and full kit to be changed into for PE, no jewellery and earrings either removed or covered. PLEASE NAME EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING.  Ladybirds have Forest School on Tuesday afternoon's in Autumn 1.

Curriculum information 

The curriculum map (file attached) outlines your child's learning across the year. In class we will be reading novels each term which compliment our English Unit. 

Please find below a copy of the word lists that children are expected to know by the end of Year 3/4. (a copy of these will be sent home for children to practise the ones they don't know)

Homework links

BBC KS2 Bitesize - This website has several games and activities to help children develop their knowledge and understanding of English, Maths and Science. Please click on the link

Please find below links to several more websites that children can use to help them whilst on their learning journey. - Homework help - lots of exciting maths games  for maths games and activities - lots of different quizzes to test and improve SPAG ability - pupils have their own login - Dance Mat typing Times table test practise


If you require further information or need to contact me then please email me directly [email protected]

Thank you.

Files to Download

Student Login