Caterpillars 2024 - 2025
Mrs Baron
Welcome to Caterpillar’s Class.
Welcome back! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and are now ready and excited to learn lots of new things!
We are excited to have Miss Young back working with us as our teaching assistant - please feel free to speak to either of us if you need to.
Our Class Value
Courage - we have been thinking what courage is and how we can show it.
Our Class Author
This year our class author is Colin McNaughton. We will be reading some of his stories throughout our time in Year 2.
PE sessions are on Tuesdadys and Wednesdays. Please make sure that you have your PE Kit in school ready. This should include their coloured ‘house’ T-shirt, shorts and some dark plain tracksuit bottoms for the cooler weather. Pumps are to be worn indoors. Jewellery is not to be worn during PE for health and safety reasons. Please remove any earrings before coming to school so that the children don’t have to do this for themselves. If children cannot remove their earings then tape must be worn over them. Long hair should also be tied back.
If your child needs to miss PE for any reason, please provide a note to explain why this is the case. If the children do not have a letter, they will be expected to take part.
Please make sure that your child has their asthma inhaler with them if they need it. Also, as the weather is beginning to change, please make sure that your child brings a coat to school each day.
Weekly homework
The St. Aidan’s expectation for Year 2 children is that they will spend 10 minutes reading at least three times a week.
Reading - We will always make sure that your child has a reading book which is phonically decodable for them and encourage you to read and re-read these with your child. Re-reading is a proven strategy to improve reading skills whilst building confidence and understanding. Please write any reading time into the record and any thoughts you have about things they may be finding difficult or easy. We will let you know of any areas we are working on with your child through the reading record so you can also help with this at home. Please read with your child for 10 minutes – this is proven to make a huge impact on their reading ability. There are lots of fun ways that you can encourage reading pleasure with your children. Perhaps you could build a reading den, read with a torch in the dark, read to a younger brother or sister or find an unusual place to read...why not send us a photo of your reading adventures on our facebook page - your ideas could help to inspire other parents and children!
Numbots - Your child has their log in details glued into their reading journal this week. Children should go on Numbots at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 10 minutes.
Spellings Any spellings to learn or rules for spelling will be sent home on Monday for testing the following Monday. These will include up to 8 spellings. This year your child will need to choose 4 words to write into sentences.
Holiday dates, newsletters and uniform list etc. can all be found on the school website where you will also find information about what we will be learning in class.
You may want to join the school Facebook page called St. Aidan’s CE Primary Bamber Bridge which is a private group where information is shared.
As usual, if you have any questions, queries or concerns, please speak to myself at the beginning or end of the day or telephone school on 01772 337321 to make a longer appointment. Alternatively, you can email me at [email protected] I will do everything I can to make sure that your child has a happy, exciting time at school and they are encouraged to 'Live,Laugh, Love and Learn'.
Many thanks,
Mrs Baron