Busy Bees 2024 - 2025
Mrs Kennedy
Mrs Wooldridge
Live, Laugh, Love, Learn!
Our class value is 'Thankfulness'
Our class author is Sue Hendra
We are a mixed class of Reception and Year One children. We are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. Carefully planned lessons are taught through discrete teaching and learning as well as adapative teaching to ensure that the reception children receive the EYFS statutory framework curriculum and year one children receive the National Curriculum. Our teacher is Mrs kennedy and our teaching assistant is Miss Sanderson.
This year in reception we are going to continue to develop in all 7 areas of learning and continue to develop the fundamental skills and knowledge we need to be ready for Year 1. We will be developing our mathematics and literacy skills through Red Rose Maths and Bug Club phonics.
The teaching, learning and provision in our reception classes will help your children develop the skills they need for school readiness and ultimately ready for Year 1. The 7 educational programmes from the EYFS statutory framework curriculum are:
Prime Areas:
• Communication and language
• Physical Development
• Personal, Social and Emotional development
Specific Areas:
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive Arts and Design
Early Learning Goals
By the end of Reception, we are aiming for children to meet the Early Learning Goals and have the fundamental skills and knowledge they need to be ready for Year 1 and the national curriculum. To find out more visit the EYFS page of the website or click on the link below.
Year 1
This year in Year 1 we are going to build on the skills we learnt in reception and become much more independent during number challenges, writing and reading. We are looking forward to tackling new subjects such as; History, Geography and Science.
We will aim to work hard, become independent learners and make lots of new friends.
In Busy Bees, we value all children as individuals and teaching is tailored to each child to ensure they reach their full potentail. Our teaching approach encompasses first hand experiences to foster a love of learning and we value parents support and engagement as we believe in importance of a strong parent and school relationship.
In Busy Bees we value interactions and communication with parents. We have an open door policy and parents can discuss their child with a member of the Busy Bees staff anytime throughout the year at a mutual convienient time. Parents are invited to parent meetings twice a year and receive two written reports summarising their child's progress. Parents can also email directly Mrs Kennedy on [email protected] any questions or queries and she will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
PE days- Monday and Tuesday (Autumn Term). Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times, including their coloured house t-shirt.
Spellings are sent out on Fridays to be learnt for a test the following Friday. (Year 1 )
Books are collected on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to be changed and sent out that day.
Spelling tests are on Fridays. (Year 1)
Useful websites you can access at home:
www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games (3-5 years)
When the children bring home reading books, initially we use the pictures to talk about what is happening in the story. This talk is essential for developing story language, vocabulary and story structure. When they bring home word books, encourage the children to identify and say the letter sounds. Parents should repeat the sounds quickly to help your child blend and say the word. Two or three books are sent on Monday to be read over the week. Please share these books at least three times a week and sign the reading diary. Books will not be changed unless the diary is signed. School expectation is for children to read at least three times a week.
Reading Challenges/Maths Challenges
Each week, the child from each class with the highest amount of minutes and coins on TTRS/Numbots are celebrated in celebration assembly.
Letter/Word Cards/Spellings
Children will be bringing home letter and word cards to read and then write. Please practise these as regularly as possible (at least 3 times a week like the reading books) and sign the reading diary when they have been done.
Spelling tests (Y1) are on Friday
Home Activities
An overview of your child's learning will be sent weekly and three home activities (homework) are set on the pupil area on a Friday. These support the learning we are doing in maths, reading/writing and in our topic. Achievements may be celebrated on the school facebook, in the home activity book or via email. These activities will be checked and commented on electronically during the week they are set as they are completed.