Pe and Sport

Autumn 1 - Handball Festival

On Wednesday 25th September we had our first sports festival of this academic year. Andy from South Ribble Sport come in and run a handball festival with the KS2 children. The weather stayed nice and so the children enjoyed taking part in the MUGA outdoors. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learnt new skills.

Here is what some of our children had to say about it -

“It was fun but hard.”

“Really fun because my friend and I scored from our own net.”

“Quite hard because it was not easy to keep hold of the ball.”

“It’s like football with your hands.”

“I loved it, loved it, loved it.  In the last match I was the goalie and I stopped the ball going in.”

“We all wanted to be in goal!”

“It was really fun and exciting. It was hard to keep the non – contact rule.”

Pictures to follow!

Autumn 1 - Year 5 and 6 Football Tournament

The team have shown great enthusiasm and teamwork so far this tournament. The team is made up of a mixture of Year 5 and 6 girls and boys. Some haven't played football outside of school before so this is a big learning experience for them. The results haven't always gone our way but they have supported one another and encouraged one another so well! There have been so great moments of individual brilliance from the team too. We won our first game of the season last week so a big well done to the team!

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