Fireflies Monday 15th June
Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 8:40am
Morning my lovely Fireflies,
I hope you are all ok and enjoyed the activities from last week.
English - This week I’d like you to have a go at completing a comprehension. Use this link which will take you to Reading Lesson: Dindy and the Elephant by Elizabeth Laird. Please have a go at activity 1 and 2.
I’d also like you to refresh your memories all about fronted adverbials. Use this link
Once you have finished, read through the paragraph in the files section and underline the fronted adverbials. Can you identify the type of fronted adverbial it is e.g. time, manner and place? Finally, use the picture in the files section below to write at least 5 sentences that start with fronted adverbials.
Maths – This week I’d like you to work on your mental multiplication skills that involve multiples of 10. For example 6 x 80 =? Here, you would use your known facts knowledge to help you – I know that 6 x 8 = 48 so 6 x 80 = 480 as 80 is ten times bigger than 8 therefore my answer is ten times bigger. There is a PowerPoint in the files section for you to go through with someone at home to start with to help refresh your memory. Also, in the files section below you will find three separate tasks. I’d like you to work your way through them, starting with activity 1. When you open each file there is a front sheet which explains what to do.
Theme – Read through the ‘All About Volcanoes’ power point. Once you have done that, I would like you to create 5 true and false statements about volcanoes for a friend in class to answer – you could share them on the school Facebook page too!
You can also have a go at the make your own volcano activity sheet but make sure you have an adult to help you. If you have a printer you could also try doing the volcano cross section paper model or if you want to get really messy make a paper mache one.
Remember it is really important that you keep on reading – everyday if you can! I hope you all have a lovely week and enjoy the activities this week. Let me know how you get on.
Take care,
Mrs Baron